PLATFORM: A defect preventing Liquid Raw from rendering on demo sites in certain situations has been resolved.
PLATFORM: The Agency registration pop-up was replaced with an Agency registration page.
PLATFORM: The Agency registration page now redirects back to the log in page once the registration is complete.
PLATFORM: Permissions for newly registered agencies are now configured correctly by default. Existing Agencies are not affected by this issue.
PLATFORM: An error displayed when opening the Business Profile page of the website portal on some sites has been resolved.
PLATFORM: Agency white label custom industries are now displayed correctly in the website settings industry drop down.
PLATFORM: Web pages and child pages are now sorted alphabetically by default.
PLATFORM: The Billing and Invoices page at the Agency Portal has been updated to better display information about each invoice, and what the invoice is for.
PLATFORM: A bug preventing site level users from being able to confirm their email has been resolved.
PLATFORM: A bug preventing site level users from being able to log in to the white label website portal after confirming their email has been resolved.
MIGRATION: More tags are now correctly converted when migrating a site from BC.
RENDER ENGINE: A defect preventing Data Collections from rendering as expected has been resolved.
RENDER ENGINE: A defect preventing Web Form submissions from completing has been resolved.
GALLERIES: Galleries with over 100 images no longer have issues displaying thumbnail images.
GALLERIES: A bug preventing new galleries from being created on occasion when clicking save has been resolved.
WEB FORM: An error preventing custom HTML from being saved in some web forms has been resolved.
WEB FORM: A bug preventing saving a field marked as required has been resolved.
WEB FORM: A bug sometimes preventing changes to custom fields from saving has been resolved.
WEB FORM: When clicking the update button in the fields tab, you are now kept in that tab rather then having to click back after saving.
WEB FORM: Site Admin Users will now receive an Email notification when a web form is submitted.
DATA COLLECTION: A bug preventing certain Data Collections from being deleted has been resolved.
DATA COLLECTION: The default expiry date for data collections has been corrected.
DATA COLLECTION: The detail view layout no longer displays data tables twice.
MENUS: A bug preventing new Menus from being created on some sites has been resolved.
CHECKOUT: An issue causing the incorrect error to be displayed when applying an invalid coupon code has been resolved.