Data Collections: SLUGS! We now support slugs for Data Collection Item URLs! For example: where kitchen-chef is a slug that is automatically generated by BlueberryCMS to create a URL for your Data Collection Item. For items that share the same name, numerical values automatically get appended such as, kitchen-chef-1, kitchen-chef-2, kitchen-chef-3, etc. As an extra bonus, you can also edit the slug of any Data Collection Item under Settings.
Data Collections: Major performance improvements made to the UI that allows large Data Collections to load and sort much faster.
Data Collections: {bb_datacollection} and {bb_datacollectionCount} now support showExpired="true/false", showUnexpired="true/false", and limit="###"
Data Collections: Created a new URL parameter ?PageTemplate=TemplateName allowing you to override the Data Collection's Detail Template setting. For example,
Platform: Implemented automated SSL Certificate renewals and daily CertChecker.
Platform: Resolved issued SSL certificates not being generated for Root Domains.
News Articles: {{newsPublishDate}} {{newsPublishedDate}} {{PublishDate}} and {{PublishedDate}} are all synonymous for displaying the Publish Date of any article.
Data Collections: Slugs now editable within the Settings section of a Data Collection Item!
Data Collections: Resolved issues with duplicate "Detail View Layout"
Data Collections: Resolved issues with Data Collection items using the same name.
Data Collections: Resolved issue on new Data Item when using "Save and Add Another" button.
Data Collections: Added validation to prevent duplicate field names in the same Data Collection.
Data Collections: Resolved issues with HTML Editor stripping out form code.
Data Collections: Improved the file selector for Data Collection items.
Data Collections: Add filtering capabilities for ExpiryDate.
File Manager: Resolved UI issues with certain images not displaying in list view.
File Manager: Fixed issues with uploading certain video file types to "/Documents" folder. Increased maximum size to 100mb.
File Manager: Resolved issues with duplicate files and folder name length.
URL Redirects: Web Page selection list now in alphabetical order.