Secure Zones: The Secure Zones Usage Guide is now available to help users with creating their first Secure Zone.
Data Collections: Added the ability to duplicate data collection items which is very useful for collections with lots of fields.
Platform: Created the {bb_doc} tag to be placed at the top of a Page Template to remove any <HEAD> tags created by the system, allowing users to create non-HTML page templates such as XML templates that pull data from various bb_tags.
Data Collections: Fields tab: Change text from "User Defined" to "Custom Fields"
Data Collections: Fixed bugs with searching for data collection field values and display in a list view.
Data Collections: Fixed bug with items being assigned more than one list value.
Data Collections: Tab permissions improvements. Website Content Contributor roles now only have access to Items instead of all the pertinent Data Collection settings.
Data Collections: Removed deprecated tags from tool bar.
Data Collections: For image fields you can now manually type the path to a file or use the file manager.
Data Collections: Improved table layout on the Edit Data Item page.
Data Collections: Can now filter items by ItemID.
Data Collections: {{dataLastUpdated}} now available.
Platform: Create a Website Project Summary now includes Demo and Login URLs.
Platform: Added List/Grid view options for all file upload dialogs.
Platform: Improved Actions column widths on all pages.
Platform: Truncate long items names in breadcrumb menus.
Platform: Fixed forwarding issues with Sitemap.xml being accessed using the root domain.
Platform: Removed dashboard widgets taking a while to load.
Platform: Resolved simpleList="true" rendering issues with {bb_menu} tag.
Platform: Resolved issues with {{globals.visitor.isloggedin}} not working. Can now be used as {{globals.visitor.isloggedin}} and {{globals.visitor.is_logged_in}}
Platform: Resolving issue with empty invoice history.
Web Forms: Unique form names now generated in HTML sync code.
Web Forms: Fixed bug with {bb_recaptcha3} submissions.
Web Forms: Fixed bug with casing on field names.
Web Forms: Various HTML sync code fixes.
Web Forms: Updated icons on the Fields tab.
Web Forms: Fixed bug with fields missing
Web Forms: Fixed bug with creating list type fields.
File Manager: Now allows svg files to be uploaded to /Documents in addition to /Images folder.
File Manager: Increased upload size from 50mb to 100mb.
File Manager: Improved the text editor to scale properly based on window size.
File Manager: Fixed bug with uploading the same file in multiple folders.
Secure Zones: Fixed bug with multiple forms being made on Secure Zone creation.
Secure Zones: Fixed HTML formatting on the Registration, Login, and Account Profile pages.
Secure Zones: {bb_logout} now dynamically displays a "Logout" hyperlink only if the user is logged in.
Blogs: Fixed tag cloud styling.
Blogs: Fixed issues with Detail Pages not loading and using Liquid's truncate and truncate_words tags.
Billing & Invoices: Improved historical billing records and sorting.
Contacts: Fixed bug with case details not appearing after editing.
Events: Can now sort by Publish Date in the UI.
Events: Resolved issue with event lists showing extra field data.