New Features:
Site Hosting - A new page has been added to the hosting section of the website portal. This page, titled 'Security', allows you to add IP Addresses to a whitelist or blacklist to allow for even more control over your sites security. Further information about this new feature will be available in our ...
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New Features:
File Manager - The File Manager was updated to allow easier navigation between folders, and more intuitive drag and drop upload functionality.
WYSIWYG Text Editor - The WYSIWYG text editor's "Insert Link" function has been updated to allow users to select from a list of web pages to link to.
Web Forms - A new ...
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New Features:
Data Collections - There is now have a column that displays the enabled status of each item. This can be toggled to enable or disable items without going into the edit menu.
Data Collections - When deleting a field that has already been used for at least 1 data item, a warning is now displayed letting you know that ...
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Fixed a bug preventing site level users from being created or edited for certain sites.
Fixed a bug preventing a site user being recreated after being deleted.
Fixed a bug preventing some users from resetting their email passwords.
Fixed a bug causing some web forms to present a white page after submission.
Simplified the domains ...
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