The {bb_comment} module displays user comments submitted on an item. Comments can be applied to: Data Collections, Blog Posts and News items. Comments are giving as text only. No HTML.
This module tag can be placed within these areas:
- Data Collections
- Blogs
- News
This module supports Liquid.
NOTE: This module tag is a part of a future release.
{bb_comment sort="" resultsPerPage="" emptyMessage="" collectionName="" layout=""}
- id -System generated.
- sort - These fields can be used for sorting and builds a sort string as follows:
- resultsPerPage - The parameter determines how many items to display on a page.
- displayPagination - Renders the pagination section when there are more in the data items than the resultsPerPage value. Possible values are true|false.
- emptyMessage - Custom message value that is rendered. Default text is "No items found.".
- collectionName - The parameter is used to access the collection the Liquid tags.
- layout - Renders the module output using: the Default Layout is when you don't define a layout at all; a custom layout template (layout="My Custom Layout"); or no layout, which allows the user to code the layout right on the web page (layout="").
Liquid Tags
- {{commentId}} – System generated ID assigned to the Comment submission.
- {{commentFullName}} – Full name of the person who submitted the Comment. If provided the "Website" field is used to wrap the name with a hyperlink.
- {{commentFullNameNoLink}} – Renders the full name of the person who submitted the Comment without a hyperlink.
- {{commentFeedback}} – Customers comment/review.
- {{commentRating}} – Customer's rating of the item from 0 – 5 stars (in half increments).
- {{commentDate}} – Date the Comment was submitted.
- {{commentWebsite}} - Website of the person who submitted the Comment. Is used to wrap a hyperlink around {{commentFullName}}.
- {{commentCountry}} - Country of the person who submitted the Comment.
- {{commentFlag}} - Renders a flag icon that represents the country of the person who submitted the Comment.
- {{commentFlagUrl}} - URL to the country flag icon of the person who submitted the Comment.
- {{commentPagination}} - Controls the pagination of multiple Comments.
- {{commentApproved}} - Customer Comment has been approved for display.